
Saturday, May 22, 2021

Is the Final Holocaust beginning?

 This past few years has been absolutely crazy.  People running the world seem to have some kind of master plan, but it doesn't look good for civilization.  Whites are pitted against blacks, rich against poor, the gender insanity against men and women, and now someone has unleashed a pandemic on the world; and a pandemic with about a .3 percent kill rate.  The common flu is more dangerous.  But, what if some of the scientists are right, and the vaccine will be the ultimate vehicle of death?  Who is right, the vaccinated or the anti-vaxxers?

The world seems to be popularizing Socialism and Communism, denouncing Capitalism.  If only these idiots would wake up and realize that it is 'Corrupt' Capitalists that are destroying the world, and heaven help us if we ever become Socialist, with 'Corrupt' Socialists in charge.  If you want to see corruption, just wait until the final freedom is taken away, as all the rest have been, one by one.

Anyway, these corrupt capitalist leaders, you know, the CEO's of the huge multi-national companies raping the world, the only place we have to live.  They are clearing the rain forests, decimating life in the oceans, polluting the earth with their disposable products, digging precious metals out of the ground, leaving gaping holes;  and now are creating fear with a fake pandemic to scare humans into taking an untested new technology vaccination.

If this vaccine is actually dangerous and kills the human immune system, the destruction of human life could make the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews look like childsplay.  Not only will they kill the remaining Jews, but likely all, or most ofevery other race on earth.

Are these evil people even human?  Are we some large experiment that has gone bad or just didn't work, and the powers in charge have decided to just eliminate humanity?  Destroy the ant farm, so to speak - they are tired of playing with us.

You can choose to get the vaccine today, and possibly be making the right choice and living through this non-existent pandemic, or it could be your death sentence. You can choose not to get the vaccine and live, or not get the vaccine and die anyway.  With the ban of information and discussion of this vaccine, it is almost impossible to make an educated choice.

Of course, in our new insane world, making an educated choice is no longer an option.  There is no freedom of speech, and now they are trying to take away our freedom to make the final decision about what goes into our own bodies.  Freedom is fading into the distant past, and it is scary.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

My new book 'The Black Bridge' is almost ready for online publishing...

It is with the editor, and hopefully should be out sometime this summer.  I apologize for taking so long to finish this 3rd book in the series 'A Time Before Facebook', but this retirement gig is time consuming at times.

Some great news, however, I am almost a third of the way through Book #4 in the series, called 'Boys Love Forts'.  But life throws curves at us sometimes, and what I thought would be a relaxing retirement, living half my life in Mexico and the other half in Canada drinking tea and writing books, has changed somewhat.

I am now the owner of an oyster/clam lease on Vancouver Island, and most of my summers will be spent developing this project.  I hope that on rainy west coast days, I can fit in a little time for writing.

Also in Mexico, my primary writing location, has been reshaped by outside influences.  My best friend in Mexico is a property manager, and guess what, he and I have bought our first rental property in Mexico.  I now have less time, periodically, for writing in my sunny relaxed environment.

Oh well, I'll keep at writing, and will sincerely try to publish one eBook per year, if possible.  I'll post again when the third book publishes on, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.  And, of course, remember they are published under the name 'Jimmy James Jr.'.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Some Human Values should never be subject to modernization (change).

These are some of them:

1. Truth should win over deceit.
2. Power should be used for good, not greed.
3. Governments should be accountable to the people.
4. Religion should be an individual choice, not a requirement.
5. Sexuality should be accepted, but not displayed openly.
6. Medicines should not be for profit.
7. All people should be treated equally.
8. Perversion should remain disgusting.
9. Countries should have the right to protect its citizens.
10. A person should have the right to defend themselves.
11. Everyone has the right to earn a living.
12. Excess food should be shared, not destroyed.
13. There should never be a price on water.
14. Never, should a small group, hold all the power.
15. Protecting the earth should be the number one priority.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Capitalism today sucks, yet has the potential of being the best, but....

it has been cannibalized so bad that it is no better than other systems.  The elite have taken over, and they are not nice people.  Of course, you cannot just blame them for it's destruction, we have to take responsibility too.

Why you ask?  Well, the system, in harmony with democratic governance, could be the true heaven on earth.  Where individuals are given the freedom to completely control the outcomes of their own lives, with little government intervention.  The opportunities are unlimited, and the ability to become free from debt and stress are attainable by anyone.

However, the system has evolved to the point that only a few control all the major industries, and have the power to protect their greed.  It of course starts with the financial and banking systems.  They have impoverished the general population to the point of no return.  Because the dollar is the basis of daily life, those that control the money have complete power - and that is apparently the ONLY guiding light of capitalism in today's world.

Add this to the corporate world, we now have corporations who's only goal is to make more and more money, that they have absolutely no consideration for the environment or it's citizens.  Money is power, and they hold all the power.  They buy governments, they eliminate those in opposition to their goals (which sometimes ultimately means not only financial elimination, but physical).

But how did they get to their powerful positions?  All by themselves?  No, people allowed them to continue with their destruction of capitalism, through either pacifism or blatant acceptance.  The morals of society have deteriorated in so many people that these devils are able to tempt them with bribes and false promises.  It almost seems hopeless for those of us that haven't been bought and thrown aside our morals for a slightly better life.

But we still have the power.  We can say 'NO' to products produced by inhuman corporations.  If Nestle is stealing our water and then selling it to countries without clean drinking water, then stop buying Nestle products.  If auto manufacturers are only producing transportation built on the oil system, drive less or not at all.  If you can't afford an item, don't buy it on credit and pay insanely high interest rates.  Or do like I do, use the credit card for my own advantage, like air miles or money back, then pay your bill off entirely each month.

People have the power to stop this raping of the earth and it's citizens.  But only if people have developed an internal moral compass within themselves.  The rich cannot get richer if we don't support them.  We still have the ability to change the world we live in, as long as we are not internally corrupt like they are.

But what about throwing out this system and replacing it with something better?  You know, like Communism, Socialism, Marxism, or even a dictatorship.

Let's see - Communism.  Every person is told what they would be best at doing for work.  You don't get to decide freely.  Then you work day in and day out, and receive only enough to put a meager roof over your head and put bread on the table.  Of course the leaders in a Communist society are exactly like the elites in a Capitalistic society.  Be prepared to be stuck in your job until you die, and don't plan any vacations.

Or perhaps Socialism.  I'm not sure how people find jobs in this system, but if they are fortunate enough to work, all of their earnings go to help those poorer than them.  So in effect you are working for those too lazy to work.  I'm sure they like it, but unfortunately these systems come crashing down because when the freeloaders outnumber the workers (which ultimately happens), where exactly does the money come from?  Oh, and the leaders of this system are exactly like the elites in a Capitalistic society.

Marxism.  Obsolete.  Dictatorship.  A great system.  Everyone does what they are told, or are exterminated.  Work or be shot.  Oh, and the dictator and his friends are just like the elite in a Capitalistic society.  Vacations, a joke, unless you are a friend of someone powerful.

Hey, we might as well throw Islam in as another example.  Although it is a cult hiding under the mask of a religion, they have their own set of laws for governance, Sharia Law.  If you are a man under this system, you will have few problems.  You are worth twice the value of any woman, you don't have to control your sexual urges and can have as many wives as you want and can even rape little children if you so desire.  Anyone who disagrees with you can be killed, and anyone that doesn't follow your cult's rules to the letter can be eliminated.  Oh, and don't try to quit, that is a death warrant too.
You can, however, go on vacation if you have enough put aside.

So, sorry, I'll go with Capitalism any day, and hope that people, one day, get the backbone to stand up to the corrupt controlling it -for the time being.  I am positive that there is still enough good in the world to stand up to the monsters currently running it.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Until elected politicians are accountable, we will have a corrupt political and legal system.

Politics in democratic societies had evolved from a proud service to the public, who are concerned with improving peoples lives; to a corrupt group of career politicians who's only concern is to line their own pockets and the pockets of their financial sponsors.

The political party system is a joke, and the major political parties in most of countries in Europe and the West, are all owned by corporations and bankers.  They are no longer with the rights of their citizens, but place their true objectives far above truth and honesty.

And the problem with this corrupt system, is that everyone knows about it.  Society has become so complacent and lazy that they will no longer stand up for their own rights.  Pacifism has taken over their lives, and they either aren't worried about their rights being slowly eroded, or they feel frustrated with no solution in sight.  Well, at least no solution that would keep their hands clean.

Politicians today are spending (wasting) your hard-earned tax dollars faster than you can hand it over.  Services that your dollars used to provide for are disappearing and being replaced with yet another tax, user fees.  National debt is skyrocketing, and our children and their children will be paying for this for many years to come.

And, don't try to complain about these corrupt politicians, or anything they do for that matter, because you could be arrested.  Freedom of speech is being eroded as fast as Canada's economy.  What the governments can't do legally is of no consequence, they are the lawmakers, and thus just change the law.

In Canada, our illustrious PM has broken the law numerous times, and the Ethics Commissioner (his employee) has found nothing wrong.  Any of us would be charged and in jail for what he did.

And of course, we are told, 'If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain' . An apt thought, but what if your only choices to vote are all criminals who make promises to get elected and then do the opposite.

I'm sorry, but the only solution to this problem, as I forsee, is for people to finally say 'enough is enough' and take control of their own lives again.  Unfortunately, this might involve getting your hands dirty, and hurting some feelings, but unless power is physically taken from this corrupt NWO, society will slaves forever.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Bestbuy Mexico, Acer and Microsoft - Be careful buying a PC in Mexico

Well, my first computer just died during my winter in Mexico.  But hey, look on the bright side, it was only a week before Black Friday, or what they call it down here, Bien Fin (and it lasts for 4 days).

I had recently had some work done on my backup Laptop in Canada just before coming down to Mexico, an HP, and my technician told me what he thought of HP's.  Not good.  He recommended an Acer, Asus or even a Dell or Lenovo.  They were much better than HP.  Actually he put HP at the bottom of the list for reliability.

I didn't disagree, because I had gotten 5 years out of a used HP, and my 10 year old HP was still running well (knock on wood).  Although I had to replace the HDD with an SSD, and clean it up, it was still running well.

So I started investigating Bien Fin sales outlets and prices in Mexico.  The best deal I found was an Acer Aspire 15.6 inch, HD laptop with Intel 7 processor and everything else I needed.  Having used Windows before, in the back of my mind I knew that if the Windows 10 came in Spanish, it was a simple task to switch over to English.  My first mistake.

So I buy the laptop online, and go to Bestbuy to pick it up on the Friday of Bien Fin.  The technician unwraps it and gets it fired up, and I ask him to change the language to English.  He tries, but says I have to call Microsoft support and have them do it.

Because I wasn't feeling well, food poisoning, I contacted Microsoft support the next morning.  I tried to add English as a language myself, but without success.  It kept showing only one language, Spanish.  Then Microsoft tried and tried to install English for me, without success.  He even took remote control of the laptop, but still couldn't do it.  This is where I made my second mistake.  I should have called Acer right then.

But unfortunately I asked SSS at Microsoft Support what my solution would be.  The only thing he recommended was purchasing a full copy of Windows 10 that included English.  So, I sign into my Microsoft account and order a Home Version of Windows 10 and try to install it (still trying to use the Spanish language on my PC).  Without success, I contacted Microsoft Support again, and they remotely custom installed it for me.  Voila, I now had English.

I started downloading my data and other software that I needed for my writing and other ventures, and then realized that some of the links and icons that had originally been on the laptop were no longer there.  I finally decided to contact Acer Support and to register the product.  Of course I couldn't do this yesterday because the laptop was all in Spanish.

I talked to a very polite, they all are, guy named Christopher S, and he was basically no help whatsoever.  I found that I would probably lose everything I had done if he returned my laptop to it's factory settings, and the laptop would also probably revert to Spanish only.  This I didn't want.  So I vented a little frustration and signed off.  Oh, but before I did, Chris wrote me that Acer did NOT sell computers with single languages.  Hmmm.

So it is now Sunday, and I'm still pissed about having to spend 211.00 Cdn on a Windows 10 that I already had, except for English.  So I double checked the advertisement at Bestbuy to see if I had missed the fact that this laptop was Windows 10 - Spanish only.  Nope.  There was no mention of this in the advertisement.

Now I contacted Microsoft Support again to see if there was any way to get a refund.  I wasn't holding my breath because I sincerely feel that Microsoft is not the problem.  Either the staff at Acer was incompetaet, or didn't know or was flat out lying,  their laptop did have only one language.  I even asked the Acer guy if Acer maybe had a policy to sell single language laptops based on the countries they were sold in.  He said no.

Bestbuy could have misled clients with their advertising, or they may not have known.  I've hit a wrong button on previous laptops and ended up with everything in French.  It was very easy to change the language, and retailers like Bestbuy, may assume (like I did), that Windows 10 includes all languages.

Luckily I got a smoking good deal on the laptop, so the extra 211.00 didn't hurt as much, but the entire process has given me a sour taste with Acer Support.  Let's hope their product lasts well, and i 10 years time I will have forgotten about this incident.  Oh well, at least I've learned something new - Windows 10 comes in many different models, so make sure to check your operating system before you leave the store.

Oh, forgot to mention, the keyboard is slightly different than the English keyboard, but not a problem.  I just registered the product with Acer, and it still lists Windows 10 Home as the operating system, and the only thing that suggests there might be a problem with this unit, is the keyboard is listed as Spanish.  Of course, I could only find this out after registering the laptop.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Solution is The Truth.

I recently wrote a blog asking if the Millenials would contribute to the downfall of Western Society, and I wrote it in a 'not-so-positive' way.  I still agree with my suggestions, but I now look on the destruction of Modern Western Society as something that is sorely needed.

I am a member of the Baby Boomer Generation, and I have witnesses the slow death of our, once thought, modern culture since it has been controlled by the sickeningly rich 1 %, otherwise known as the elites.  I'll call them 'The Few'.  If they are not aliens, then they are the closest thing to what humans perceive as, in general.

Aliens are here to destroy and take over the world.  They are here to control the population of the world and watch them kill each other.  Some of them even go so far as to harvest humans for their body parts, or worse yet, to eat them.  If 'the few' are aliens, they are doing a pretty good job.

I have watched as the rich got richer, they gained control over world finances, world governments, religions and even all forms of media.  It is like they have technologies far advanced from normal humans, so much so, they must be from another world or have somehow learned the advanced technology from other worlds.  They treat we peasants as just that, stupid peasants.

I know I have felt frustrated watching this slow destruction of our society, and have often wondered what one person could do about it.  However, 'The Few' have kept me so busy working and living, that my time to think is short.  I consider myself one of the educated poor, that still has a working brain, but am lost for ideas or solutions.

My generation has seen the breakup of the family because 'The Few' have forced both parents to work just to survive.  We have watched while giant corporations, or 'Corpses', owned by 'The Few' contaminate and destroy our environment.  Greed is what guides the few and the corpses and the governments they control.  They have no consideration for peoples lives or the environment, and they think there is nothing we can do about it because they hold all of the financial cards.

This is where the Millenials come in.  I once thought that they were unmotivated, and with both parents working and supporting them, even sending them to universities, they have broken away from the control system that 'The Few' have established over many years.  They want to keep the population uneducated and so busy working, that they don't have the time or energy to fight back.

Well, guess what, Millenials are educated and are starting to notice just how corrupt the system truly is.  And they are connected through the internet and social media, and before too long, something or someone will polarize them to fight against this unfair system, built on corruption and greed.

The Few have even infultrated the education system, trying to keep as many out of colleges and universities by keeping the costs high and out of reach for many.  For those students that can afford it, they have stacked the number of professors teaching redundant classes over those actually teaching worthwhile classes.  You know like Science, Biology, Law, etc.  They have made universities resemble kindergartens moreso than higher learning institutions.  If you say anything that could hurt someone elses feelings, they run off to the safe place, and you are ostrocized for your truthfulness.

How does one learn when you cannot speak, and when subjects taught are so benign that no one would ever use the?.  When science takes a back seat to feelings, when political correctness trumps the truth.  When one group gets more benefits than other groups. When law-abiding citizens are punished, but politicians and bankers and CEO's are not?

I think the downfall of these ultra-rich is already beginning.  They are starting wars, placing opposing cultures together inside borders, and spreading false news faster than we can read it.  All to distract us from themselves and their corruption.  They think they have the social media platforms under their control, and are blocking truthful posts, while allowing hateful posts to continue.  They think they have we ignorant peasants totally under control.  Perhaps in Middle Eastern societies this is correct, but not in the West and Europe.

But wait, there is this new generation coming up that are technoligically savvy, and well educated (for the most part).  They are not highly motivated at this time because they are like the Baby Boomers, and haven't figured out what they can do about it.  They know the world financial system is hollow, but owned by a select few.  They know that these ultra-rich own the major corporations that are destroying the world.  They know that these are the people behind wars and invasions of western countries by terrorists disguised as fleeing immigrants.

They may be frustrated now, but give them a few years, and someone/thing to organize them.  Then 'The Few' will discover that they may have tons of money, but they cannot control a population of thinkers.  The brain is more powerful than the bank book.  The Millenials may be kind and considerate of others feelings, but when push comes to shove, and they are treated unfairly by their leaders, they will revolt.

I just wonder, will I still be alive to see it?